Saturday, March 14, 2009

Time time time

Oh dear... I've been meaning to post something new for three weeks now. Where has time gone?? There's so much to tell... Since I last wrote Quinn has acquired all sorts of new skills, met lots of new people, had his first cold and received even more hats. I've been trying tp find a moment to sit down and write everything down but I've had quite a bit of time home alone with Quinn these past few weeks so I've had a very hard time getting anything done besides nursing, changing diapers and doing endless loads of laundry. At the end of February Jos was in Amsterdam for four days working with the fantastically funny British theatre company Spymonkey, then he was in the hospital for three days getting a rather horrible heart exam (which all turned out to be ok thank goodness) and then last week he was in Naples for four days laying down the groundwork for a project he's going to do there next year. Poor man... running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Tonight he's off performing his one man show twice in two different cities outside of Paris. Crazy life... but we certainly can't complain... what an immense gift to travel, do what we love and get paid for it! Meanwhile though Jos is having fantasies of becoming a house-husband and spending all his time at home with the little one. And it's no wonder... Quinn is growing and changing so quickly... it's hard to keep track if you're not around for a few days. He's started spoiling us with the most gorgeous smiles these past few weeks. He graced us with first big one on my 30th birthday... what a present! And his big toothless grins are getting bigger and bigger and lasting longer and longer. It's like he gets a little fit of giggles and can't stop smiling... And neither can we obviously! Quinn's eyesight is also getting much better of course. He's started staring at faces intently and is completely fascinated with his mobiles...he can actually track their movement now. He's also started hitting and grabbing things.. like my hair for instance. We put a little figurine with a bell on it over his changing table and he seems to get endless joy out of batting it around while we change his diaper.

Quinn loves bath time. We get in the tub with him and he swims around like a little frog.

Batting around some toys.

Getting ready to go for a walk with Q in the great sling that my friend Alex
brought us back from the States:

The lucky boy was visited by his wonderful aunts, uncles and cousins from Belgium three weeks ago. This weekend we're finally going there ourselves to introduce him to his grandparents!Quinn and his aunt (and godmother) Lu

aunt Rita

aunt Marleen

the fam