Saturday, June 20, 2009

What to call a grandparent.

In most countries you know automatically what your kids will call their grandparents... everyone calls them the same thing. In France it's Papie and Mamie, in Belgium Bomma and Bompa; but in the U.S. everyone calls their grandparents something different. It depends on their family's origins, tradition or whatever. We called my mom's parents Nana and Papa. My dad's mom was simply Grandmother Betsy (or Grandmother Beatsa to 3 year old James).
So we've been struggling since before Quinn was born with what he should call my parents. Nana and Papa was out since papa is dad in Flemish... Grandma and Grandpa sounded a bit boring to us... so what was left...? Well, we decided that we'd have to invent something. We've gone back and forth on a few names but so far our favorites are Omi and Bobo. What do you all think? Does it fly? Yeah, Bobo the clown does come to mind but I guess it's not completely inappropriate for Rick.
So here they are... Omi and a slightly blurry Bobo!
(yeah, Quinn sure does like posing for the camera)

1 comment:

Marta and Richard said...

Coming from grandparents that are named Omi and Bobo, we think those names are a great choice!