Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Movin' & Shakin'

When you have a baby everybody always says, "it goes so fast"... and wow, it sure does. I can't even believe that Quinn was ever a tiny little baby-thing. I can barely remember what that was like. And it was only 8 months ago. Give me 18 years and I'll really be in trouble!
In his newest leap out of babyness, Quinn has started crawling! It's so much fun. And he seems much less frustrated now that he's mobile. He does seem to like to go mostly for power chords, house plants and dirty shoes of course... and "no" doesn't really seem to be part of his vocabulary, but we're working on that. He's also sitting up and can play and concentrate on one thing for much longer... not that that's all too long of course... but it's definitely all relative! Soon this phase will just be a blur as well. Better get it all on video!


James said...

WOW!!! He's really doing it! It's so cool to see it in video. Keep posting those!

Atelier Conti said...

Wow! I can't believe how much difference a few days makes in this little guy's abilities. Go Quinn. LOVE the videos.