Friday, May 11, 2012


Spring has come and gone and come again. We can't seem to hold on to the nice weather, but Spring it is none the less. Here's a bit of what we've been up to.


At the beginning of April we packed the whole family up and headed to London. We saw friends visited the uncles, James and Adric. Quinn was mighty excited to get his very own London taxi and many games at home since then have involved his toys going visiting London. 

 On Easter we spent the day with friends- ate a fabulous brunch, dyed eggs and played the whole day (at least some of us). Here's Quinn and his bf Beatrix clowning around.

For the first week of Quinn's Spring break we went to Belgium to visit the family and finally introduce little Zinnie to everyone. Quinn was thrilled to see that the Easter Bunny had once again hidden eggs in another garden! Third time and counting!

Sadly it rained for pretty much all of Quinn's Spring Break, so we had to invent fun things to do inside. Quinn decided (I swear this was his own idea!) that he needed to be wrapped up and given as a present to someone. Here he is waiting to be delivered!


Little Zinnie is full of smiles and she's growing like a weed. The doctor almost screamed when she weighed her last. Just this week we transferred her to the full sized crib instead of the tiny bedside version. By this summer she and Quinn will be sharing a room. It's hard to believe three years have passed so quickly with Quinn. I can only imagine that time will speed up even more with Zinnie in our lives now. Since I'm mostly home with the wee one now (between scraps of work here and there) I have plenty of time to meditate on life and it's frenetic course between laundry, breastfeeding and cleaning or usually while doing all those things. More and more I feel I want to slow life down and savor each moment more fully. I know I can't stop the march of time, but I can change the way I live in little ways that affect my and my family's relationship to time. I've started to make a list of Spring Resolutions for tiny specific actions that I (we) can take in order to live more mindfully, sustainably and SLOWLY.


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