Saturday, January 10, 2009


It's been positively frizzling here this week. It snowed on Monday and the temperatures have stayed well below zero degrees celsius (around 20 or 25 degrees fahrenheit) so nothing has melted. In fact it's all gotten even more frozen. Our courtyard is an ice rink. Jos got the salt out today and made a little path so there's no risk of slipping.
It's kind of exciting to have such extreme weather here. It's rarely this cold and snowy for so long in Paris. The snow even poured down in the South of France in Marseille.
I made my first foray into the cold world on Thursday to have lunch with our friend Gisele and then tea with my friend Anna who is also pregnant and due a week before me! It's great to be able to get out of the house again. Now that I'm at 37 weeks I'm considered to be full term so the boy can come when he wants. In fact my midwife is hoping he'll decide to show his face sooner rather than later since he's so big. They'd prefer to get him out before he grows too much more in there... they're afraid I won't be able to push him out otherwise... we'll see.
We've been pressing ahead with all our homey duties as we wait for the exciting arrival. My parents were here this week and they finished up the bathroom for us. It looks so gorgeous! (pictures to come tomorrow) We also finally put together the crib and got the changing table all set up too. We've ordered a rocking chair and a mobile to finish off the room. It's looking cuter and cuter. We'd still like to get a big rug in there but other than that everything is ready. In any case he'll be sleeping with us in our room for the first few months in a little cradle.
Here's how his room is looking now...

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