Monday, January 12, 2009

House Beautiful!

Our house has gone through such a transformation this year... new kitchen, new parquet downstairs and now a new bathroom upstairs. It's all part of some serious nesting instinct I suppose. We have been spending all our free time lately trying to sort and organize everything we own. We're both pretty bad at keeping organized so that might have something to do with it. We're trying to learn a bit of discipline to get our lives ready for this new person that is on his way. But of course now we're starting to feel SO ready that we can't wait for him to arrive. We're getting antsy now. An Italian friend recently told me that they have a saying that goes, "pregnancy lasts 8 months and an eternity." Sounds about right. Luckily I'm not feeling too uncomfortable or exhausted or anything. Just excited and anxious to meet this little boy. Jos can't wait to be a daddy. He's completely hyperactive with anticipation... always looking for a new daddy task. We're becoming very boring company... all we can talk about or think about is babies. Luckily two of my good friends here are also pregnant. Anna is due a week before me and Alex two weeks after me. It's so fun to have bump buddies! Jos has also been calling up all his friends who have kids to get their advice. So now all that's left to do is to huddle up in our beautiful home and wait, wait, wait...

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