Saturday, December 27, 2008

A scare...

Happy holidays one and all! I am sitting at home on the couch next to our wee Parisian style Christmas tree. We were supposed to be at my parents' place celebrating, but there's been a bit of an uncontrollable change of plans ... Some of you already know, but for those who don't... I ended up spending a fascinating 60 hours in the hospital at the beginning of this week. I woke up Monday morning bleeding and so we immediately rushed off to the clinic where they hooked me up to all sorts of machines to see what was going on. It turned out that I was having contractions that I wasn't feeling. But everything was fine elsewhere... my cervix wasn't opening yet or anything so they just had to attach me to a drip and feed me medication and monitor me in order to stop the contractions and make sure that baby didn't arrive 6 weeks early. So they kept me in there for two nights and most of the third day. I was home on Christmas Eve at 7:30 p.m. By then my contractions had stopped and all was well. But they said that I have to stay more or less lying/sitting down at least for the next two weeks. And no traveling. So we couldn't go to my parents' place and we can't go to Belgium to visit Jos' family. James and my parents came to our place for Christmas. We had a very sweet time. They all rushed around with Jos and cooked and cleaned and finished preparing the baby room and I tried to stay put. Not such an easy task. So now they've gone and we're home alone. We were very sad not to be able to go to Belgium. We were so looking forward to being with Jos' family and showing off my big belly. This whole thing came as such a complete surprise after such an easy and uneventful pregnancy. You can't plan for everything though I suppose. So now that I shall be lying on the couch for the next two weeks I'll be able to blog all the time. I better take full advantage of all the rest and relaxation while I can get it!

Here I am on Monday on the monitor and the drip.

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