Monday, December 15, 2008

Home improvement... finally!

Well, I'm finally back! So sorry it's been so long. I thought that this last month would be relaxed and that I was done with all the traveling but in fact, since I last wrote, I've been back and forth to Spain twice and last week I was in Athens (I left just before all the craziness started there). I can't believe how much traveling I've done this year, but it was hard to turn down such good gigs and it has actually been quite fun being so active. And my giant belly definitely added a little spice to the cabaret. This little boy certainly has been on stage a lot! But now it is all officially over. Phew. No lying this time I promise! I am finally home and concentrating on home stuff. Things have been busy on the home front too. Our new parquet is in! It's been pretty intense getting that prepared and cleaning up after it. We had to clear everything out downstairs including the kitchen tiles (thank you Rick!!) before it went in of course. And now we've just spent the last two weeks putting everything back together... attaching all the shelves to the walls, cleaning each and every dust covered book... It's definitely worth it though. It sure does change things to have a nice floor. Before, it was a painted cement floor and we couldn't quite imagine the little bean crawling around on it. Especially since it wasn't the most even of surfaces. So it's a wonderful relief to have that done. We feel like we're living in a new house! Now the next job is his room. The crib arrived a couple weeks ago but we still haven't managed to put it together. By the end of the week the house should be more or less ready. Wow. Time sure does fly. It's hard to believe that in about a month and a half we'll be a family of three. Incredible!


James said...

Wow! Your belly!

Julia Z said...

wow! your place looks amazing:):) wishing you both all the best for a kick-ass christmas (oops, was that sacriligious??) and an awesome new year!! miss you:) love julia.

aneesa said...

beautiful! i am glad to see you still have the forest at the bottom of the stairs.